value. quality care. convenience.

Located at: 107 East Broadway 3FL
New York, NY 10002
Text Message or Call Us Now : 917-602-2229
Jeffrey Chan Acupuncture Clinic
For acupuncture, We accept some health insurance plans. We may contact the insurance company to verify your acupuncture benefits. Please tell us your insurance information (your full name, birthday, insurance ID number, and phone number from insurance company).
Case report 1:
I have suffering infertility and got two lVF programs failed in fertility center before l met Dr.Jeffrey Chan. My period resumed to normal and Get pregnant now after taking traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture under Dr.Jeffrey's professional suggestions and treatments in his clinic .He is really responsible and care for his patients. So lucky to meet him! (This patient, Candy, posted this review on Google on 04/26/2021.)
(这是病人Candy 于04/26/2021在google 谷歌上网评陈平青Jeffrey Chan 医生的中文翻译):
在我遇到陈医生之前,我患有不孕症,并且已经在不孕症中心尝试了两次试管婴儿但是都失败了!在陈平青医生的专业建议、中药和针灸后,我的月经恢复正常并且怀孕了!陈医生非常负责任和照顾他的病人!我 很幸运能遇到他并得到他非常有效的治疗!
----------Candy B.
Case report 2:
This is a Google review posted after receiving acupuncture treatment by Dr. Jeffrey Chan by a MD in United State, as New York Dancer- Hanna S. on 09/17/2019, (Doctor Hanna was injected with pain killer medicine by her coworker who works in the same hospital. She also took the strong dose of the pain killer medicine with no effective. She is fully recovered after Dr. Chan only provided her acupuncture treatments for 2 days and Chinese herb. ) : Dr. Chan and his team went above and beyond to make sure that I would feel better! They even texted me to follow up on my healing more than once! He helped me get back to functioning when no amount of ice and pain killers made a difference.
I shopped around for someone with extensive experience and Dr. Chan seemed to be the most knowledgeable and well trained in the area, but also, surprisingly, on the low end of the price range.
Personally, I don't care about a spa-like experience as long as I know I am getting quality (and clean) care. If you want acupuncture to be less medical and more like a spa, then this may not be the place for you. But if you want someone who can achieve real results based upon extensive training, then Dr. Chan is your man.
I came to him with torn cartilage on my ribs causing a pain so bad that I could barely breathe or move without it being excruciating. He realized the severity of my injury and devoted the rest of the evening to me. He jokingly said, "since I first started treating you, I have also started and finished 10 treatments for my other patients" because he refused to have me leave until the treatment worked for me. He tried traditional acupuncture and then realized that he should try a newer, heavily researched and anatomically based, technique called 'Fu's Subcutaneous Needling', which was developed by his teacher in China. Dr. Chan is now president of the Fu's Subcutaneous Needling Association in NY. The needles are much bigger and longer than what you've probably seen before, and they stay in for a longer duration to reach maximum efficacy. WOW! What a difference it made!
After 5 hours Dr. Chan told me that my case was very difficult and that even though I improved, I should consider taking some herbs and coming back again for treatment the next day. I did as recommended and the herbs worked magic within 20 minutes of taking them. Now, as I near the end of my course of herbs, I am basically 100% better within a couple of days for an injury that can sometimes take weeks or months to heal.
They were caring and generous and skilled. What more could one want?!
(患者Hanna S美国白人,她本身是美国临床西医医生,她求诊于陈平青医生之前,曾求诊于她上班的医院,她的同事医生帮她注射了功效很强的止痛针,同时也口服了最好的止疼西药均无效!也求诊于其他针灸诊所无效,陈平青医生只帮她针灸两天加中药治疗就完全好了。这是她康复后9/17/2019在google 谷歌上以New York Dancer 网评陈平青Jeffrey Chan 医生的中文翻译):
TL; DR:强烈推荐!
陈医生是该地区训练有素,经验丰富,知识最渊博的医生! 但令人惊讶的是,他的诊所收费价格并不贵。
我来到他的诊所时,我的肋骨上有软骨撕裂,导致疼痛非常严重,以至于我几乎无法呼吸或移动并感到难以忍受。他意识到我受伤的严重程度,并在下午剩下的时间专心治疗我。他开玩笑地说,“我治疗你这样严重病情的一个病人花的时间,我都可以治疗十个其他普通的病人了”,陈医生留我在诊所治疗,直到治疗对我很有效。他最初尝试了传统针灸,然后意识到他应该尝试一种新的,经过深入研究和解剖学的技术,称为“浮针疗法”,由他在中国的老师发明的。陈医生现任纽约浮针医学会主席。浮针针头比你之前看到的更大更长些,并且可以在更长的时间内留针在皮下,以达到最大的效果!哇! 它真的与众不同!
Case report 3:
I came to Dr. Chan with painful tendinitis, sleeplessness and acid reflux. After one session, I was 80% improved. He is extremely attentive, thorough and listens very closely to my symptoms. I was so impressed with his medical knowledge and expertise that brought my nine-years old daughter. She left his acupuncture office with a smile and gave him a thumbs up. I strongly recommend Dr Chan, who is a licensed Acupuncturist.
-----------------Thank you note from Elisabeth Ames (New York Lawyer)
当我来到陈医生诊所的时候, 因我患有严重的肌腱炎疼痛,失眠, 和胃酸倒流。在经过陈医生一次的针灸治疗后,我的所有病痛当场就好了80%。他诊病是非常认真的细心周密的。我对他的医学知识和独特经验感到印象非常深刻,所以我把我9岁的女儿也带来让陈医生诊治了。 当她离开陈医生针灸诊所的时候是带着满脸笑容的,她给了陈医生一个大拇指称赞。我强烈推荐陈医生给大家,他是一个有针灸执照的好棒的医生。
---------Elisabeth Ames (纽约著名白人律师给陈医生的感谢信的中文翻译)
Case report 4:
The patient is a California experienced licensed TCM acupuncturist who fly from California to see Dr. Chan. Her clinic has been closed for more than two years due to her illness. Dr. Jeffrey Chan used scalp acupuncture twice and the patient fully recovered and the clinic reopened to serve patients! Patient’s name is Fate, female, 55 years old, case number 060363, complained of burning sensation around the left supraclavicular fossa and anterior scalene muscles, and the left side neck and shoulder muscles were tight and stiff like a belt stretched and tightened with sustained pain. And also the occipital area and left upper limb have feelings of numbness and swelling, the patient feels it is not her own upper limb for more than two years. Patient states every morning about 5:30 am, she awakens with pharyngeal discomfort for half a year, and has been admitted to the emergency room twice in California because of a throat lock, left shoulder joint and left chest have a sense of bondage. The patient sought medical treatment in many ways. No abnormality was found in the examination of the western medicine. The western medicine diagnosis was: menopausal syndrome, depression. The patient flew from California to New York to find Dr. Chan for acupuncture because her friend was suffering from severe hidradenitis suppurativa and got a miraculous result after being treated by Dr. Chan.
Examination at the consultation: the patient looked quiet and tired, slightly depressed, a long cord like nodule could be palpable at the left GB20 (Feng Chi), obvious tenderness in the left mandible, muscle stiffness at the back of the neck and GB21 (Jian Jing) area, There was a sense of heat and mild tenderness in the left knee joint and popliteal fossa. Dr. Chan initially diagnosed: 1) Thoracic outlet syndrome 2) Depression (caused by illness)
The main treatment by Dr. Chan is scalp acupuncture. During the period of needle retention, the patient's pharynx discomfort is significantly reduced, the feeling of binding on the left shoulder joint and the left side of the chest is gradually reduced, and the sultry feeling in the left knee joint disappears. After the needle was removed, the discomfort on the left side of the neck and shoulders was reduced by 70%. The patient was very happy and made an appointment for a follow-up visit with Dr. Chan at 9:30 in the morning of the next day, but she arrived at the clinic at noon. Patient states that she felt surprised that she woke up naturally after 10am in the morning without pain. She usually woke up at around 5:30 in the morning with pain. Today, there is no pain, and the patient is very happy. Dr. Chan continued acupuncture once without changing the treatment plan. After the treatment, the discomfort in the left pharynx disappeared, and there was still a little discomfort in the right pharynx. The neck muscles relax more than 90%, the occipital pain disappears, and the feeling of binding on the left shoulder joint and the left side of the chest is disappeared, the shoulder pain improved 85%, the left elbow and left knee joints have no hotness, and the popliteal fossa still a little soreness feeling
The pain that had plagued her for more than two years was relieved after two acupuncture treatment, and she is completely accepting of the scalp needle. Three weeks later, she called Dr. Chan from California to introduce another patient. Jeffery Chan asked her how she was doing. The patient had recovered well. The original clinic owned by the patient in California was reopened. The patient sincerely thanked Dr. Chan for his excellent skill.
患者是加州资深华人执照中医针灸师,因病诊所已停诊两年多了,她特地从加州乘飞机来纽约找陈平青医生针灸。陈医生只用头针针灸两次后患者康复了。 她位于加州的针灸针所重新开诊服务病患!患者Fate H.,女,55岁,病案号060363,诉左锁骨上窝及前斜角肌周围火辣感,左颈肩肌肉绷紧僵硬像一条带子拉伸吊着勒紧且持续痛,后枕部、左上肢闷胀麻木感,似乎不是她自己的上肢已两年多;每天早上5:30左右痛醒伴咽部不适半年,在加州曾因咽喉锁住感入医院急诊两次,左肩关节及左胸胁处自觉有捆绑感,患者多方求医,西医专科检查均未发现异常,西医诊断:更年期综合症、抑郁症。由于她的朋友患严重化脓性汗腺炎从加州飞来纽约找陈平青医生治疗神效,故她也特从加州飞来纽约找陈医生针灸。就诊时检查:患者神情寂静疲惫略显沮丧,左风池处可触及长条索状物,左下颌部明显压痛,后颈部及肩井处肌肉僵硬,压痛明显,左侧膝关节及腘窝处时有闷热感,有轻压痛,陈医生初步诊断:1)胸廓出口综合征?2)抑郁症(因病痛导致)
Case report 5:
The patient is Dr Zhang a 55-year-old female, an MD in the United States for more than 20 years, suffering from severe Spasmodic Torticollis for more than two years. MRI diagnosis: basal nucleus disease leads to dystonia. She feels miserable due to illness! Her neck twitching is very serious, she also suffers from eye-crowding, and almost the whole body is severely convulsed! Prone position is a little better, resulting in being unable to fall asleep, so she needs to take strong sleeping pills to force herself to fall asleep. The symptoms are relieved when concentrating and speaking with other people, otherwise the convulsions will not stop. Her weight is only 83 pounds, and she got the botulinum toxin many times with no affect and resulted in sternocleidomastoid muscle that can hardly be touched because the muscle shrinks after injection. Her doctor prescribed her Western medicine but it can't help her! During acupuncture treatment in other clinics, the acupuncture needles were quickly thrown out because of twitching, and they were all ineffective. She flew to New York to look for acupuncture treatment by Dr. Jeffrey Chan by airplane from North Carolina. As the patient witnessed in Dr. Chan's clinic that a patient has orbicularis oculi muscle spasm caused by brain tumor treated by Dr. Chan, and had an effective effect, so she stayed in the hotel next door to Dr. Chan’s clinic. After seven times of acupuncture and moxibustion by Dr. Chan and oral administration of the Chinese medicine prescribed by Dr. Chan, the Dystonia- Spasmodic Torticollis has improved significantly!
During the nearly two hours of retaining the needle in the supine position with the scalp acupuncture and abdominal acupuncture, the convulsions were significantly reduced by about 90%! During the two hours of retaining the needle, Dr. Chan’s assistant Mr. Ding talked to the patient, and Mr. Ding could understand about 90% of what the patient said. The pronunciation of her speech was very vague and people could not understand what she was talking about. Before Dr. Chan acupuncture, she had to use her fingers to spread her lips to make the listener understand. The patient's condition has improved significantly after a total of seven acupuncture treatments. The patient had to fly back to North Carolina and she asked Dr. Chan to continue to prescribe Chinese medicine to continue treatment.
患者张医生女55 岁,她本身是美国临床西医医生,她在美国医院行医20多年。今患严重痉挛性斜颈两年多。MRI 诊断:基底核病变导致 dystonia(肌张力障碍)。因病非常痛苦!颈部抽搐非常严重、挤眼弄眉,仰卧位更加严重几乎全身都严重抽搐!俯卧位稍好一点,导致无法入睡,需服强力安眠药后免强入睡,她与他人双眼对视集中注意力认真讲话时症状有所缓解,否则一直抽搐不止,痛苦异常!体重只剩 83斤,曾打多次肉毒素无效且导致双胸锁乳突肌几乎触摸不到了,西医束手!别的诊所针灸时因为抽动导致每根针灸针都很快丢了出来,均无效。从北卡州乘飞机专程飞来纽约陈平青医生针灸治疗。由于患者在陈医生诊所亲眼目睹陈医生治疗的脑肿瘤导致眼轮匝肌面肌痉挛白人患者立效等病例,遂住在陈医生诊所的隔壁Hotel。经过陈医生针灸七次及口服陈医生开的中药后,肌张力障碍 Dystonia一痉挛性斜颈已显著好转! 经过陈医生给她头针、腹针后仰卧位留针近两小时期间,痉挛抽搐显著改善,几乎很少痉挛抽搐了,大约减少 90%!近两个小时留针期间陈平青医生的助手小丁与患者对话,小丁可以听清楚患者所讲的话90%左右了。原本她讲话发音十分模糊不清根本不知道她讲什么,必须用她的手指撑开双唇才能让听者明白些。患者今总共七次针灸治疗后病情显著好转,患者返程机票到期遂要求陈医生续开中药带回北卡州继续按陈医生教的陈氏新艾灸疗法康复。
Case report 6:
The patient‘s name is Hong C., a licensed acupuncture and he is a Chinese Medicine physician who has practiced in New York for nearly 40 years. He has suffered from asthma for more than 30 years and his condition has worsened in the past two weeks. He has to use an electric hair dryer to blow his chest, back and neck every night before falling asleep, and after that he can sleep for 1-2 hours. The patient's sputum is sticky and difficult to cough up, and the patient has severe asthma when walking up the stairs. He was taking western medicine for asthma and allergies and also Chinese medicine with no effective. Dr. Chan gave acupuncture and moxibustion treatment twice and Chinese medicine for one week. It has been more than two years since then, and his condition has been stable and has not relapsed. Patient is very happy and thank you very much for Dr Chan!
患者是纽约从医近四十年的执照针灸中医师Hong C. ,他患哮喘30多年,近两周病情加重,每晚要用电热吹风机吹胸背及颈部后才可入睡1-2个小时,病人痰多粘稠不易咳出,走楼梯时气喘严重。服用西医处方治疗哮喘西药和过敏西药及中医药无效。陈医生给予针灸治疗两次加服中药一周后,至今己两年多,病情稳定没有再复发。患者十分高兴和感谢陈医生!
Case report 7:
The patient name is Mrs Yang (Dr Yang is New York State listened Acupuncturist), 64 years old, case number: 051656
patient complained that pain in right elbow for more than three months was diagnosed by Western medicine as tennis elbow. Pain during the flexion and extension of the right hallux for more than two months, and pain on the outer side of the right calf for three months, the western medical doctor diagnosed her as myotenositis. She came to Dr. Jeffrey Chan and Dr. Chan gave her Fu’s subcutaneous needles and other acupuncture treatments, and the effect was immediate. After only one treatment, the pain on the outer right elbow, right toe, and right calf was gone! The patient is a senior acupuncturist who has been in medicine for more than 30 years. She is very grateful to Dr. Chan for his superb medical skills!
Case report 8:
Dr. Wang who is an Acupuncturist from NJ
Before the epidemic, a female acupuncturist surnamed Wang from New Jersey came to the president of Fu's Subcutaneous Needle Association of New York, Dr. Jeffrey Chan Clinic to buy Fu's subcutaneous needles. When she saw many patients in the waiting room with scalp needles, she blurted out, and said the scalp needling was ineffective! She had a painful knee joint and the needle was useless! Dr. Chan happened to hear that and immediately told her not to leave. After Dr. Chan treated several other patients, he helped Dr. Wang with scalp needling. After two minutes of needle manipulation, she was asked to walk up the stairs. The effect was immediate, the pain goes away completely. Dr. Chan told her that in the future; don't say that scalp acupuncture has no effect; it is not working because you have not learned or really mastered the scalp acupuncture skills. Dr. Wang kept nodding her head. She was completely convinced by the excellent effect of scalp acupuncture! And also commented and liked Dr. Jeffrey Chan on Google on 01/13/2020.
陈平青医案:疫情前,新泽西州的资深女针灸中医师王医生来纽约浮针医学会会长陈平青医生诊所买浮针, 当她看到候诊室里许多患者扎着头针,她脱口而出,头针没效!她本人膝关节痛扎了头针根本没用!刚好被陈医生听到,陈医生当即告诉她不要离开,陈医生扎完另外几个病人后,帮王医生扎了头针,运针两分钟后让她走楼梯, 效果立竿见影,她一点都不痛了!陈医生告诉她,以后千万别说头针没效果,是你没有学到、没有真正掌握头针技巧,王医生不断点头,她对头针的卓越疗效完全信服了!还特意于01/13/2020 在谷歌Google上用名字nande hutu- Dr. Wang 网评点赞感谢Dr. Jeffrey Chan陈医生。下面视频这个80岁老太太Tran C 病案号011841,患膝关节疼痛多年,陈平青医生用头针针灸几分钟后,走楼梯痛立刻就好了九成以上,患者十分高兴,十分感谢陈医生的头针技术!
Case report 9:
Dr. Jeffrey Chan acupuncture case sharing (with video)
(Symptoms of stroke sequela are weakness of upper and lower limbs and unable to walk for 4 months. According to Mount Sinai Hospital they think that it was very difficult for her to walk on her own for the rest of her life but after a few minutes of treatment with Dr. Chan using scalp acupuncture the patient can get up from the wheelchair and walk!)
The patient, Kitty D., a 87 years old woman. Case No. 091832 Sequela of apoplexy: Weakness of the left upper and lower limbs, and inability to walk for 4 months. The patient had been hospitalized at New York's famed Mount Sinai Hospital for a full month after suffering a stroke four months ago. She was discharged with no movement in his left upper and lower extremities. After more than a month of home physiotherapist rehabilitation treatment, she was still unable to walk alone. She had to be helped by a car to walk slowly. The hospital specialist who treated her also told her that it was very difficult for her to walk alone. She also visited two other acupuncture clinics in New York for more than two months before she came to Dr. Chan clinic. The acupuncture treatment that two clinics provided was not helpful for the patient. Patient who had traveled through the others introduction to Jeffrey Chan clinic treatment, Dr. Chan used Scalp Acupuncture, after a few minutes acupuncture to patient with the left leg have fornication, Dr.Chan asked the patient for standing up an walking alone, in the eyes of the patient and her daughter to doubt, because the patients really stood up slowly and began to walk alone. Her daughter kept saying, "It's amazing, it's amazing, I can't believe it, it's only been a few minutes... It's amazing." The faster the patient walked, the easier she walked. Walking nearly 100 meters back, the patient was very excited with tears in her eyes and said to Chan, "Can I hug you?" "I can't believe I'm ever going to be able to walk alone. I 'm so excited." Her daughter who had been paying close attention to her was also excited to come forward and hold Doctor Chan's hand. Thank you very much! The patient also slept much better after acupuncturing in Doctor Chan's clinic (the original long -term insomnia), and the chronic constipation was also cured! For this reason, Kitty published a letter of thanks in SING TAO DAILY, the most famous Chinese newspaper in New York, thanking Dr. Chan for his excellent acupuncture skills, after just a few minutes of acupuncture treatment; she was able to walk alone. It's amazing! Her sincere thanks to Dr. Chan! I also hoped that other patients suffering from pain can get such good acupuncture treatment and recover soon.
案例9: (有录像)
陈平青医案--头针病案分享 (中风后遗症左侧上下肢无力,不能行走4个月,纽约Mount Sinai 医院认为她这辈子可能都不能自行走路了!陈大夫用头针治疗几分钟后,就可以从轮椅上站起来行走了!) 患者 Kitty Dong 女 华裔美国人 87岁 病案号091832 中风后遗症左上下肢无力,不能行走4个月。患者于4个月前中风后在纽约著名的西奈山Mount Sinai 医院住院治疗整整1个月,出院时左侧上下肢不能活动。出院后在家中接受物理治疗师上门康复治疗1个多月后,仍不能单独行走,需用助行车还要别人搀扶才能缓慢行走,帮她治疗的医院专家医生还告诉她这辈子可能都不能自己单独走路了。她在来陈平青医生诊所之前也曾去过纽约另外两家针灸诊所针灸了2个多月都没有效果!心有不甘的患者经别人介绍慕名来陈平青诊所治疗,陈大夫用头针治疗,进针后捻针几分钟后患者诉左下肢有蚁走感,陈大夫就要求她站起来自己单独行走,在病人及家属怀疑的目光注视下,病人真的站起来开始单独慢慢行走。她的女儿在旁边不断地说,“太神奇了,真的太神奇了,我真的不敢想,才针了短短几分钟....太神奇了。”患者越走越快,越走越轻松。走完将近100米返回时,病人激动万分含泪对陈大夫说我能抱抱你吗?当病人抱着陈大夫时,完全控制不住情绪而泪流满面,“我真不敢相信,我这辈子还能单独自己走路,真的太激动了。”旁边一直在紧张关注的家属也激动上前握住陈大夫的手,万分的感谢!患者在陈大夫诊所针灸后睡眠也好多了(原来长期失眠),慢性便秘也治好了!為此Kitty還特地在纽约最著名的华文报纸《星岛日报》《SING TAO DAILY》上刊登了一封感谢信,感謝陈大夫高超的医术!短短的几分钟的头针针灸治疗,她就能单独行走了,实在太神奇了!衷心感谢陈大夫!同時也希望其他受病痛折磨的病人能得到这么好的针灸治疗,早日康复。
Case report 10:
In the video, a girl who is 14 years old and the only daughter of her mother, (the mother asks to omit the child’s name), is diagnosed as autism for ten years. The child does not speak, socialize, or make eye contact at school. She loses her temper easily at home, throws things in anger, threatens and yells at her parents. She never makes eye contact with anybody, including her family. She does not want to meet or see anyone, she often covers her eyes with both hands as if there is no face to see people. There is almost no language communication, no human interaction, nor any emotional connection. She keeps repeating doing the same thing such as washing hands for more than half an hour. She also has sleep disturbance, hyperactivity, poor concentration, poor appetite, etc.
After two times of acupuncture treatment by Dr. Jeffrey Chan, the children's cognition and communication with others have improved significantly! The patient can have a gaze communication with her mother for a short time and is able to have a friendly interaction and communication with her mother. Today, the patient asks her mother to bring her to acupuncture. After Dr. Jeffrey Chan inserts the needles, the patient said that she is very comfortable, and said Dr. Jeffrey Chan is the best doctor in the world! Her mother and everyone else including the two doctors, Dr. Ren and Dr. Gao who studied from Dr.Chan were deeply touched, so is all the other patients and family members who are waiting for consultation. After a total of five acupuncture treatments by Dr. Jeffrey Chan, the patient is recovered and is enjoying herself travelling abroad.
Case report 11:
Nancy, Female, Age 66, ID: 021353 (With Video)
Chief Complaint: Burning-like heat and pain on the soles of both feet for nearly 30 years, and worsening for more than a year. The feet cannot touch the ground when they hurt. The pain is intolerable. Using the prescription medicine from her western doctor, but it only relieved a little bit for a few minutes. Because of the pain, she needs to take painkillers and sleeping pills at night to fall asleep. Years of illness made her desperate and even wanted to commit suicide! Dr. Jeffrey Chan assisted her with acupuncture. After the needle went down for only 1-2 minutes, the patient said that her feet felt very cool and comfortable. The burning pain of her feet gradually decreased and disappeared. At night, she could fall asleep without taking analgesic and sleeping pills. In the video, she recalled her pains and tortures and burst into tears! She is very grateful to Dr. Jeffrey Chan for his rejuvenation and rebirth!
Nancy 女 66岁。病案号021353,主诉:双足底烧灼样热痛近30年,加重一年多。疼痛时双足不能触地,几乎痛不欲生。使用她的西医开的处方药,仅仅能稍微缓解几分钟而已。因为疼痛她晚上需服用止痛药和安眠药才可入睡。多年的病痛让她万念俱灰甚至想要自杀!陈平青医生帮她针刺,针下去只1-2分钟,患者就觉得双足有很凉快的感觉很舒服,双足的烧灼疼痛逐渐减少消失,晚上已不用服止痛安眠药即可入睡。视频中的她回忆起曾经的病痛折磨依然泪流满面!她非常感谢陈平青医生的妙手回春,重获新生!
Case report 12:
Miss. Chen, Age 20 , ID : 090994
Miss. Chen broke up with her boyfriend and her parents frequently called to ask her to send money back home after her parents’ business went bankruptcy. She suffered from severe depression. Her female boss of her company introduce acupuncture and moxibustion to her. On her first visit, she sitting with her eyes closed like a puppet, when Dr.Jeffrey Chan asked her name, she didn't respond, and when he asked her what was her complain, she still closed her eyes and didn't respond. Dr. Chan had to find ask her female boss to come over and explain her condition. After Dr. Chan gave acupuncture and moxibustion for more than an hour, the patient was able to walk from the bed to the front desk easily and talks and laughs. Everyone in the clinic was very surprised that she would recover so quickly and so well! When her female boss saw the scene in front of her and witness that Miss. Chen was almost back like a normal person, her boss was so excited that she shed tears! One year later, when her boss came to the clinic because of back pain, she said that now the patient has fully recovered and he has opened a shop and became his own boss! (with video)
陈平青医案090994 有轻生自杀念头的患者陈小姐求诊于陈平青医生针刺后康复!20岁陈小姐因与男友分手、大陆父母经商破产后频繁打电话要求寄钱回家导致她患上了严重的抑郁症,由她上班公司的女老板带来针灸,初诊问诊时,患者像木偶一样闭目呆坐,当陈医生问她名字,她毫无反应,又问她哪里不舒服,她仍旧闭着眼睛毫无反应。陈医生只好找她的女老板过来代述她的病情。陈医生给予针灸留针一个多小时起针后,患者居然能够轻松愉快地、有说有笑地从病床位走到前台,诊所所有在场的人都感到非常惊讶她会恢复得这么快这么好!当她的女老板看到眼前这一幕,看到她现在几乎恢复到像正常人一样了,她的老板都激动得流泪了!一年后她的老板因腰疼来诊所时说,现在患者已经完全康复了都自己开店当老板了!(有录像)
Case report 13:
Tom, Male, Age 72, ID: 091849 (with video)
Tom’s Heel spur pain for more than nine years, and it has worsened in the past two years. The patient originally had to go to Dr. Zou's Clinic of Podiatry to get a closed injection for pain relief every month. In desperation, Dr. Zou originally planned to arrange time for Tom to perform the operation, but he was afraid of the operation. He was introduced by a friend to Dr. Jeffrey Chan in New York. After only three acupuncture treatments (once a week), Tom recovered completely. The operation was cancelled, not to mention the closed injection. The patient has fully recovered and walked as usual for more than a year! The patient is very grateful to Dr Jeffrey Chan
案例13: (有录像)
陈平青医案Tom,男,72岁,病案号 091849 足跟患骨刺疼痛九年多,近两年加重。患者原先每一个多月都要去脚科邹医生诊所打封闭针止痛。无奈之下邹医生原先计划安排了时间帮患者做手术,但患者对手术有恐惧,经朋友介绍来找纽约的Jeffrey Chan 陈平青医生,陈医生仅经过三次针灸治疗后(每周一次)完全康复正常了!手术取消了,更不用打封闭针了。患者已经完全康复行走如常一年多了!患者非常感谢陈医生.
Case report 14:
Medical case of Dr. Jeffrey Chan:
Jon M., American, male, 55 years old, case number 630130, chief complaint: insomnia for more than half a year. In the past six months, it is difficult for patient to fall asleep and frequently wake up in the middle of the night. Patient relies on drinking alcohol to help him falling asleep every night but he only can sleep 3-4 hours. Patient stopped drinking for the past 3 weeks due to concerns about the side effects of alcohol such as liver and kidney damage. After he stopped drinking, he can only sleep for 2-3 hours a night, which is very painful. The patient has no other health problems. (Last time he came to acupuncture treatment, he becomes friend with Dr. Chan and mentioned he actually is a classmate of former President Obama in Columbia Law School.) Patient is an experienced lawyer in New York, and has no obvious stress from either work or life. After Dr. Jeffrey Chan treats him with scalp acupuncture twice, patient happily informs Dr. Chan that he could sleep about 6 hours a night, which has meet his expectation. The patient was worried since he had insomnia for more than half a year, two acupuncture treatments would not be enough to solve his problem, so he did 2 more follow up visits with Dr. Jeffrey Chan and now he is able to sleep more than 7 hours every night. Patient sleeping is completely normal after 3 months since his first visit with Dr. Chan, he is so satisfied and grateful to Dr. Jeffrey Chan. Attached is his good online review of Dr. Jeffrey Chan on Google on 10/24/2018.
陈平青医案,Jon M. 美国人,男,55岁,病案号630130,主诉:失眠半年多。近半年来,夜难入睡且半夜频繁醒来,每晚依靠喝酒来助眠,酒后仅能睡3-4个小时,由于担心肝肾损害等酒精的副作用,近3周来已停止喝酒,但每晚只能睡2-3小时,非常痛苦。患者素体别无他恙,(最后一次来针灸时,可能跟陈医生较熟了才自诉是前总统奥巴马哥伦比亚大法法学院的同学)乃纽约资深执业律师,但工作生活并没有什么明显压力。陈平青医生以头针针刺两次后,患者高兴的告知陈医生,每晚均能睡约6小时,已达到他预期的希望,患者认为由于失眠半年多了,担心只针两次不够,故复来针两次巩固疗效后睡眠完全正常,每晚睡足7小时多,3个月后随访,患者一切完全正常,非常满意,十分感激陈医生。附上他于10/24/2018在Google上对陈医生的好网评。
Case report 15:
Samule, Male, Age 57, ID: 102461
Patient suffered from left-side stroke sequelae for more than a year, Parkinson's disease for nearly a year, right lower limb static tremor, right-hand limb movement sluggishness, slow and not fluent speech, frequent urination during the day and urine urgency every half an hour at night for more than a year. After the scalp acupuncture was inserted by Dr.Chan, the tremor of the lower limbs disappeared completely, and the slow movement of the lower limb and speech was significantly improved. After one hour of needle retention therapy, the tremor of the lower limbs was completely gone. He urinates once every 3 hours during the day and urinates 1-2 times at night. The slow movement of lower limb and slow speech has been significantly improved. The patient can actually return to the Wall Street investment bank to work. The patient marveled at the miraculous effect of scalp acupuncture and was extremely grateful to Dr. Chan.
SAMULE, 男,57岁,左侧脑中风后遗症一年多,帕金森病近一年,右下肢静止性震颤,右侧肢体动作迟缓,讲话迟缓不流利,白天尿频尿急每半小时一次,夜尿4一5次已一年多,陈医生给予头针治疗,头针进针后快速捻针约两分钟后下肢震颤完全消失,肢体动作及讲话迟缓均有明显好转。一个小时留针治疗后,下肢震颤完全痊愈,白天小便3小时一次,夜尿1-2次,肢体动作及讲话迟缓都有更明显的改善,患者居然可以返回华尔街投行上班了。患者惊叹头针的神效,无比感激陈医生。
Case report 16:
Patient’s name is Eva L 54 years old, case number: 072566
Patient has knee joint pain on both sides for more than ten years, the primary physician diagnosed her with osteoarthritis and causing pain in both knees especially walking and going up and down stairs. She came to Dr. Chan for treatment three years ago, and Dr. Chan used scalp needles to treat her, and the effect was immediate. She only had one treatment, and her knees returned to normal more than three years after that, she feels no pain while goes up and down using stairs.The patient is extremely grateful to Dr. Chan for his superb medical skills! (with video) Patient also referred her relatives in Canada to fly to New York to see Dr. Chan.
Eva L女士,54 岁,病案号:072566
Case report 17:
David, Male, Age 57, ID: 101461, engineer (with video)
The main complaint of the patient: weakness and inflexibility of the left lower limbs, which have been progressively worsened for nearly 2 years. In the past two years, unexplained weakness of the lower limbs, and acceptable upper limb arm strength, he can do more than a dozen pull-ups one after another, but cannot shake. When walking, the left foot cannot be raised normally, the steps are not balanced, the movement is not flexible, and it is difficult to stand up from the sitting position. You need to support the chair with both hands to get up. You can't walk immediately after standing up. You need to stop for a while before you can walk. If you are walking backwards, you can't stop by yourself. The patient has no other chronic diseases. I came to Dr Jeffrey Chan Clinic in New York, Dr. Chan helped him with acupuncture and moxibustion. After a few minutes, the patient felt a significant change. When he stood up from a sitting position, he could stand up naturally. There is no need to hold a chair with both hands and he can walk immediately. Stagnant; feel flexible and natural when walking. A few minutes of scalp acupuncture has such obvious effects, and the patient is particularly pleasantly surprised. Thank you very much for Dr. Chan's superb medical skills!
案例17: (有录像)
陈平青 医案:David 男 57岁 职业:化学工程师 病案号:101461,患者主诉:左侧下肢无力、不灵活,进行性加重近2年。近2年来,不明原因的下肢无力,上肢臂力尚可,可以接连做十几个引体向上动作,但不能甩动。行走时左足不能正常抬高,步履欠平衡,欠灵活,从坐位起立时有困难,需双手扶着椅子才能起身。起立后不能立即行走,需停滞一会儿才能走动,若是倒着行走时不可以自己主动停下来。患者无其它慢性疾病。慕名来到纽约陈平青诊所,陈大夫帮他头针针灸几分钟后患者就感觉有明显的改变,从坐姿起立时可以自然站起来,不再需要双手扶椅子,也可以立即行走,不需要停滞;行走时感到步履灵活自然了。几分钟的头针治疗就有这么明显的疗效,患者特别惊喜。十分感谢陈大夫高超的医术!
Case report 18:
Eric, Male, Age 73, ID: 112748 (with video)
Patient often felt dizzy for more than a month and symptoms will last and got worse for several hours. Patient went to see Dr. Chan's (originally planning to go to the hospital for emergency). Dr Jeffrey Chan helped him with acupuncture for a few minutes. After more than half an hour, the patient completely returned to normal and walked home by himself! Avoided going to the hospital emergency room. A few months later, Eric went to see Dr. Chan again due to neck pain. On that day, Dr. Jeffrey Chan, the president of the Floating Needle Medical Association of Greater New York, was in charge of hosting a floating needle clinical class on the upper and fourth floor of the clinic. Dr. Chan arranged for non-floating needles on the same day. The patients were all treated by other acupuncturists in Dr. Chan’s clinic, but Eric firmly requested that Dr. Chan be treated with scalp acupuncture. Regardless of the clinic staff’s obstruction, he ran to the fourth floor where the floating needle clinical class was being held to find Dr. Chan. When I arrived at Dr. Chan, in front of dozens of floating needle doctors, he said loudly that Dr. Chan’s scalp needles were amazing and terrific. How did he cure his severe vertigo with just a few scalp needles last time... . Dr. Chan, who is hosting the floating needle, feels embarrassed! Dr. Chan had to treat him with scalp acupuncture. A few minutes after the scalp acupuncture, his neck pain healed again. Another case 041264: Mrs. Hu suffered from vertigo for more than two years. She had been hospitalized in Chongqing Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital China for more than one month and the efficacy was very limited. After coming to the United States, the vertigo was got worsened, and she came to Dr. Jeffrey Chan for acupuncture treatment. The effective was magically after the first acupuncture treatment provided by Dr Chan. Patient was completely normal after a total of three treatments! Mrs. Hu sincerely thanked Dr. Chan! She said: Chongqing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine should hire the acupuncture expert Dr. Chan!
案例18: (有录像)
陈平青医案:Eric,男,73岁, 病案号:112748 常常眩晕一个月多,加重数小时,求诊陈医生诊所(原准备去医院急诊),陈医生帮他针灸数分钟立效,半个多小时后患者完全恢复正常自行走回家了!避免了去医院急诊室。 几个月后 Eric 因颈疼再次求诊陈医生,当天作为大纽约地区浮针医学会会长的陈平青医生正在诊所的楼上四楼专心主持举办浮针临床班 ,陈医生安排当天非浮针病人全部由陈医生诊所的其他针灸师治疗,但是Eric 坚定请求要陈医生用头针治疗他,且不顾诊所员工的阻拦径自跑到正在举办浮针临床班的四楼要找陈医生,一见到陈医生就当着数十位浮针参课医生们的面前大声说陈医生的头针太棒了太了不起了,上次如何如何几根头针就治好了他的严重眩晕症……。让正在主持举办浮针的陈医生颇感尴尬!陈医生只好用头针治疗他了,头针后几分钟他的颈疼又好了,见录像。另一病例:胡太太 病案号041264,患眩晕两年多 曾经在重庆市中医院住院一个多月疗效不佳。来美国后眩晕加重,求诊于陈医生,经过陈医生针灸治疗一次即显效,共三次治疗后 完全恢复正常了!胡太太由衷地感谢陈医生!她不禁感叹说到:重庆市中医院应该重金聘请陈医生这样的头针专家啊!
Case report 19:
Thomas, 63 years old, male. case number: 081257 Patient states metastatic pain with stiffness in the neck and back for more than 20 years, worsened by 3 months.
For more than 20 years, the patient suffered from metastatic stiffness and pain in the neck and back. The pain was so unbearable that he sought medical advice from many doctors. He had taken western medicine for more than one year and had not improved, and he had taken acupuncture and traditional Chinese medicine in many TCM clinics and did not get better. Three years ago, Western medicine specialist diagnosed him as: ankylosing spondylitis. The symptoms have worsened in the past 3 months, so she found 4 acupuncture clinics for more than 2 months of treatment. Among the acupuncturists, two acupuncturists used more than 70-80 needles at a time, which was also ineffective! The patient came to Dr. Jeffrey Chan and showed symptoms: neck stiffness, the head cannot be turned, and the body needs to be turned to operate the car, so driving is particularly inconvenient. Patient states the whole back is stiff and painful, with obvious tenderness. Dr. Jeffrey Chan used scalp acupuncture for him. After a few minutes of manual stimulation the needle, the patient felt that the stiffness on the back of the neck gradually relaxed. After the needle remained for 1 hour, the stiffness and pain on the back of the neck improved by more than 50%. After 3 times of scalp acupuncture treatment, the stiffness and pain of the neck and back have improved by 80-90%, and the head and neck can be flexibly rotated, and the whole back has been relaxed that has not been seen in many years. Years of pain and suffering and the experience of seeking medical treatment made the patient himself know that ankylosing spondylitis is a particularly stubborn disease, which made him have no confidence in the treatment of the pain. Dr. Chan's scalp acupuncture treatment had such a remarkable effect that made him extremely excited. The patient thanked Dr. Jeffrey Chan for his superb medical skills! He took the initiative to request the video, hoping to help more people who are tortured by stubborn illnesses like him.
陈平青医案,Thomas 男63岁 病案号:081257 颈背部转移性僵硬疼痛20多年,加重3个月。20多年来患者颈背部转移性僵硬疼痛,痛苦不堪多处寻医问药,曾服西药治疗1年多未见改善,曾在多间诊所针灸服中药治疗亦无好转。3年前西医诊断为:强直性脊柱炎。近3个月来症状加重,又找了4个针灸诊所治疗了2个多月,其中有两个针灸师曾一次用针70-80多针,也无效!刻诊:患者颈部僵硬,头不能转动,需转动身体才能操作开车,所以开车特别不方便。整个背部僵硬疼痛,压痛明显。陈大夫用头针针灸,进针后捻针几分钟后患者感到颈背部的僵硬渐渐变的松驰了,留针1个小时后,颈背部的僵硬疼痛好转50%以上。经过3次的头针针灸治疗,颈背部的僵硬疼痛好转80-90%,可以灵活的转动头颈,整个背部有了多年未见的轻松。多年的病痛折磨和四处求医的经历让患者自己也知道强直性脊柱炎是特别顽固的病症,令他对病痛的治疗都没有一点的信心。陈大夫的头针治疗有这么显著的疗效使他激动万分,患者感谢陈大夫高超的医术!他主动要求录像,希望能够帮助更多像他一样被顽固病痛折磨的人。(有录像)
Case report 20:
Elizabth, 75 years old, and the chief complaint: low back pain for more than 3 years and aggravated in 3 days. The patient complained of frequently low back pain for more than three years. Today, she accidentally moved things and suffered a sprained back for three days. She felt difficulty squatting when using the bathroom, and she walking hobbled due to the acute pain. Eight years ago, he suffered from low back pain and Dr. Jeffrey Chan helped her relieve the symptoms. This time, she said that she did acupuncture in other clinics with no effect in the previous two days. She said that the night before she came to Dr. Chan’s clinic, she had a dream about Dr. Chan, so she tried to find the address of Dr. Chan’s new clinic the next day. After Dr. Chan's examination, she was diagnosed with an acute lumbar sprain and Dr. Chan gave her Fu's subcutaneous needle treatment. Dr. Chan told her that the acupuncture would take effect immediately and there should be no problems when going to the toilet after the treatment. Dr. Chan chose the acupoint of the gastrocnemius muscle of the both calf as the entry point of the needle. Routinely disinfected the skin. The needle tip quickly went under the skin, a few minutes after the needle was stimulated, the patient’s back pain immediately improved by 90%. The patient went to the toilet with confidence, and there was no pain when squatting and doing other movements. The patient was very pleasantly surprised. When she walked back to the front desk, she hugged Dr. Chan and called Dr. Chan her benefactor! The patient was originally a representative of the National People's Congress of China, the head of an opera troupe, and met many famous doctors. Fu's subcutaneous needle is the most magical acupuncture she has ever seen! The patient came back the next day and told Dr. Chan that the back pain was completely cured. After a follow-up visit one month later, the patient was completely normal without any discomfort. (see Attachment)
陈平青医案 Elizabth 女士75岁,主诉:腰痛三年多加重三天。患者诉反复腰疼三年多,今搬东西不慎腰扭伤3天,上侧所时下蹲困难、因疼而走路一拐一拐急性痛苦病容,八年前曾患腰痛找陈医生帮她针好了,这次她说前两天在别的诊所针灸无效,她说来陈医生诊所的前一个晚上做梦梦到陈医生了,遂第二天即想方设法找到陈医生的新诊所地址。经陈医生检查后诊断为急性腰扭伤给予浮针针灸治疗,陈医生告知她针后会马上见效,如厕应该即无问题。陈医生选取双小腿腓肠肌承筋穴处为进针点,常规皮肤消毒,针尖快速进入皮下,进针后运针几分钟后,患者腰疼立刻好转九成,遂放心地上厕所了,患者诉上厕所下蹲等动作再无疼痛,感到非常惊喜,走回前台时居然拥抱陈医生直呼陈医生是她的恩人!患者原是中国全国人大代表,某剧团团长,见过很多名医,浮针是她见过最神效的针灸了!患者第二天特别回来告诉陈医生说腰痛完全好了。一个月后随访,患者完全正常无任何不适。见附图
Case report 21:
Ms. Theda, 77 years old, She complained of pain in the wrist joint of her right hand, swelling and pain in the proximal knuckle of the middle finger and limited straightening for more than 40 years. On physical examination, the proximal knuckle of the right middle finger was swollen and painful, and he could only stretch up to about 150 degrees, and he was diagnosed with traumatic osteoarthritis of the fingers. Dr. Chan selected the flexor carpi radialis and the upper segment of the extensor digitorum muscles as the affected muscles. The needle was inserted into the loose connective tissue layer under the skin to perform reperfusion activities (the patient did wrist extension, wrist flexion and resistance movements). The pain was significantly alleviated after a few minutes, the degree of extension of the middle finger joint increased, and Fu's subcutaneous needle treatment was continued for 4 times. The pain in the thumb and middle finger joint of the patient disappeared completely, and the middle finger swelling and straightening limitation almost disappeared. So far, the pain has been normal for two months without recurrence. Today, the patient got treated for frequent urination, Dr. Chan helped her with a Fu's subcutaneous needle to consolidate it once. (With video)
陈平青医案 Theda 女士77岁,主诉右手腕关节疼痛、中指近端指关节肿痛伸直受限40多年。查体右侧中指近端指关节肿痛仅能伸直到约150度,诊断为手指外伤性骨关节炎。陈医生选取桡侧腕屈肌及指伸肌上段为患肌,进针在局部皮下疏松结缔组织层行扫散、再灌注活动(患者做伸腕、屈腕以及抗阻动作),几分钟后疼痛显著减轻,中指关节伸直程度增大,继续浮针治疗4次,患者拇指、中指关节疼痛完全消失,中指肿胀伸直受限等基本消失,至今己两个月基本正常无复发。今天来治疗尿频,陈医生顺手帮她浮针巩固一次。有录像
Case report 22:
After 11 scalp acupuncture treatments, the patient avoided the surgery for cervical and lumbar spinal canal stenosis! Case number: 010144, Jacob, male, 74 years old.
Patient states his limbs are numb, neck and waist stiffness feeling with restricted range of motions, and the waist cannot be fully straightened for 7 years. When walking on a flat road, his knees are weak and need to use crutches for more than two years. Clinical and imaging diagnosis: cervical and lumbar spine hyperostosis, cervical and lumbar spinal stenosis. Many Western medicine specialists in New York have tried various treatments, and he has consulted many traditional acupuncture clinics, but the symptoms has not improved. Western medicine surgeons recommended surgical treatment. The patient was worried of the risk of hypertension and diabetes, so he did not want to do the surgery. Dr. Jeffrey Chan used scalp acupuncture, and there was a noticeable heat sensation in both lower limbs after manual stimulation of the scalp needles. After 11 scalp acupuncture treatments, the numbness of the fingers in both hands improved by about 90%, the stiffness of the waist improved by 80%, and the numbness of the legs improved by 85%. Neck stiffness improved significantly, cervical spine mobility was significantly increased, head-up and receding angle was significantly improved, Patient feels more flexible, he can easily bend over, walk without crutches, so the surgery was cancelled! The patient is very grateful to Dr. Jeffrey Chan.
陈平青医案 11次头针针灸后,颈腰椎管狭窄免去手术之苦!病历号:010144 ,Jacob,男,74岁。四肢麻木, 颈腰僵硬活动受限, 腰不能完全伸直7年,平路行走时双膝乏力需用拐杖两年多。临床及影像学诊断:颈腰椎骨质增生、颈腰椎管狭窄。纽约多位西医专科医生曾尝试过各种治疗方法,也求诊过多家传统针灸诊所均无改善,西医外科医生建议手术治疗,患者由于担心高血压糖尿病的手术风险,故不敢冒然手术治疗。陈医生以头针针灸,快速捻转运针后双下肢明显热感,头针针灸11次后,双手指麻木好转约90%,腰部僵硬好转80%,双腿麻木好转85%。颈僵硬明显好转,颈椎活动度明显增大,抬头后仰角度显著改善更灵活,可轻松弯腰,行走已不用拐杖,遂取消了外科手术!患者甚为感激陈医生。
Case report 23:
Sarah L. Case number 120886. She suffered from pain and numbness in the right elbow for more than two months and has been diagnosed with tennis elbow. Dr. Jeffrey Chan gave her Fu’s subcutaneous acupuncture for about three minutes. The pain and numbness in the upper limb disappeared immediately, and the entire upper limbs had hot feeling like steam which is very comfortable! The patient was very pleasantly surprised! The patient's menstruation has not come for 36 days this month. After abdominal acupuncture by Dr. Chan, the whole abdomen felt very warm and comfortable and her menstruation came on the next day. (with video)
陈平青医案:患者Sarah L. 病案号120886,患右网球肘痛麻两个多月,陈平青医生给予浮针针灸约三分钟后不仅上肢疼麻立刻消失了,而且整个上肢如同蒸气般的热非常非常舒服!患者感到非常惊喜!患者这个月月经36天了还没来,陈医生同时给予腹针针灸后整个腹部非常温暖舒服,第二天就来月经了(有录像)
Case report 24:
Case number: 102367, Mark, male, 51 years old
Patient states low back pain for many years accompanied with numbness of both lower limbs for more than 2 months, the pain and numbness aggravated after prolonged sitting or standing. MRI showed: L4,L5 bone spurs. The patient’s occupation is bus driver. He works 5 days a week., and every time he stops driving, he needs a long rest before getting off the bus. For the past week, he can’t work because he had the feeling of stepping on cotton if he wanted to step on the brakes. Patient sought medical help many times, once in Brooklyn New York, an acupuncturist did acupuncture for him for three days with multiple needles in the head, body, and limbs. The acupuncturist told the patient that he needed to continue the treatment for 50 more times, and each time acupuncture with Chinese medicine cost $320. The patient said that he had prepared more than $15,000 for the treatment. However, the symptoms did not improve after three days of continuous acupuncture treatment. Dr. Jeffrey Chan only used scalp acupuncture, and the needle was not even stimulated after the needle was inserted, the patient's symptoms immediately improved by more than 80% when he walked, and he was surprised for the magical effect of the scalp needle. The needle was stimulated every 10 minutes and the needle was retained for 1 hour. After the needle was removed, the patient felt that symptoms of pain and numbness in bilateral thigh were significantly reduced. After three consecutive treatments, all symptoms including bilateral thigh pain and numbness have completely disappeared. He resumed driving to work after the treatment.
陈平青医案,病历号:102367,Mark, 男, 51岁,腰痛多年伴有双下肢麻痛2个多月,坐久或站久麻痛加重,MRI 显示:L 4,5 骨刺。患者职业是大巴司机,每周工作5天,每次停车时,需休息好久才能下车,近一周来由于脚踩棉花样根本不能踩刹车了,所以不能工作,多处寻医问药,自诉曾到纽约Brooklyn 某针灸师连针三天:头、身、四肢均针灸多针,该针灸师告诉患者要针50次左右,每一次针加中药$320,患者说也准备了1.5万多美元,但连针三天症状毫无改善。陈平青医生仅单纯以头针治疗,当时进针后尚未捻针,患者走路时症状立即好转80%多,直呼神效,每隔10分钟捻针1次,留针1小时。起针后,患者就感到双侧大腿麻痛等症状显著减轻。也仅连续治疗三次后。双侧大腿麻痛等所有症状已完全消失。即恢复开车上班去了。
Case report 25:
Samule, Male, Age 57, ID: 102461
Patient suffered from left-side stroke sequelae for more than a year, Parkinson's disease for nearly a year, right lower limb static tremor, right-hand limb movement sluggishness, slow and not fluent speech, frequent urination during the day and urine urgency every half an hour at night for more than a year. After the scalp acupuncture was inserted by Dr.Chan, the tremor of the lower limbs disappeared completely, and the slow movement of the lower limb and speech was significantly improved. After one hour of needle retention therapy, the tremor of the lower limbs was completely gone. He urinates once every 3 hours during the day and urinates 1-2 times at night. The slow movement of lower limb and slow speech has been significantly improved. The patient can actually return to the Wall Street investment bank to work. The patient marveled at the miraculous effect of scalp acupuncture and was extremely grateful to Dr. Chan.
SAMULE, 男,57岁,左侧脑中风后遗症一年多,帕金森病近一年,右下肢静止性震颤,右侧肢体动作迟缓,讲话迟缓不流利,白天尿频尿急每半小时一次,夜尿4一5次已一年多,陈医生给予头针治疗,头针进针后快速捻针约两分钟后下肢震颤完全消失,肢体动作及讲话迟缓均有明显好转。一个小时留针治疗后,下肢震颤完全痊愈,白天小便3小时一次,夜尿1-2次,肢体动作及讲话迟缓都有更明显的改善,患者居然可以返回华尔街投行上班了。患者惊叹头针的神效,无比感激陈医生。
Case report 26: Bells's Palsy and Cervical neuralgia
Dear Dr. Chan
Thank you for treating my Bells's Palsy and Cervical neuralgia.
I am a 48 year old male who experienced right-side facial nerve paralysis and was unable to close my right eye in the past year and a half. I also experienced numbness in my left hand over the past 11 years. Starting 11 years ago, without any obvious cause, I felt numbness in my fingers and the condition worsened as the numbness extended to my forearm. I was extremely worried that the condition might get even worse, that is when I heard about Dr. Chan’s new painless acupuncture treatment with Chinese herb. I decided to try the treatments. Dr. Chan performed a careful diagnostic exam on me and my tests results were as following: the abnormal widening of the palpebral fissure, flattening of the nasolabial fold, an inability to wrinkle the forehead, to close one eye completely and to purse the lip. Pain at the region near C3-C7 intervertebral disc had radiated to the right upper extremity. Spurling test showed positive (+), Traction Test of Brachial Plexus showed positive (+). The X-rays revealed a narrowing at the C5-C7 intervertebral disc.
David H., 48岁,右口眼歪斜,右眼闭眼不全,不能鼓气已1年半余。另诉左手麻木11年余,11年前无明显诱因出现右手无名指、小指麻木,逐渐发展至前臂、上臂。检查:右额纹浅,右眼裂扩大,鼻唇沟平坦,不能做蹙额、闭目、露齿、鼓气等动作。颈椎生理曲度存在,C3-C7椎及左旁软组织压痛,放射至右上肢,压顶、叩顶试验(+),臂丛牵拉试验(+)。X片示:C3-C7椎体前缘及后缘见骨质增生,C5-C7椎间隙变窄。诊断为1.顽固性面瘫,2.颈椎病。陈平清针灸 医生针灸后,患者感觉进针后即能闭眼,鼓腮吹气有力无漏气,左手臂、手指麻木也好转。继续针灸5次后患者面瘫痊愈,颈椎病症状也明显改善。再针灸6次,颈椎病症状完全消失。随访9个月无再发作。
----------David H.
Case Report 27: Depression and insomnia
Dear Dr. Chan
I am very grateful for you curing my depression and insomnia.
I am a fifty-three year old female with menopause for one and half years. I came to the acupuncture office with a lack of power and depression for 8 months. The condition had worsened through a course of 2 months. I had insomnia that required sleeping pills to help sleep at night. Because of my suicidal tendency, my primary physician prescribed two anti-depression medications. However, the medications did not work very well. I decided to find a treatment to completely cure to my problem. Dr. Chan performed a careful diagnostic examination and concluded that my tongue fur appeared to be thick, greasy and pale and my pulse was tight and tense. Dr. Chan suggested a course of new painless acupuncture treatment combined with Chinese herb to improve my condition. The treatment and herbs are said to improve blood flow to the brain, regulate the nervous system and stabilize mood swings, therefore improving conditions such as restlessness, insomnia, nervousness, and depression. After 1 week of treatment, the amount of anti-depression medications and sleeping pills used was greatly reduced. After 1 month of the treatment, I no longer needed to take any medication and I was completely cured.
Lucy Y., 女,53岁。以“绝经1年半。情绪低落8个月,加重2个月”来诊。家人伴其来诊时诉其已有自杀倾向,失眠,需靠安眠药入睡,目前同时服用两种抗抑郁药物。查看患者舌苔白滑,脉弦细。患者已惧怕服西药,希望试用中医针灸疗法,遂来本诊无痛针灸配合中药治疗。针灸中药疗法改善大脑供血不足、调节脑神经、安神宁心。以达到醒脑安神、散郁解滞、柔肝补肾、清心宁志、理气调血之神功。治疗1周后患者开始减少抗抑郁药的使用量,针药并施,先后调理1月余而愈。
--------- Lucy Y.

Case report 28: Herniated disc of Lumbar spine
Dear Dr. Chan
I highly appreciate you for curing my herniated disc successfully.
I am a 39 year old male who experienced reoccurring lower back pain over the past 15 years. During the past 2 months, my lower back pain had reoccurred more frequently and the condition worsened. I experienced pain, numbness, and weakness in both legs. My MRI image showed that there was a herniated disc at the L4-L5 intervertebral disc with a severe narrowing. I had sought different treatments from numerous doctors in the past years, but none of the treatments could completely remove my pain and relieve my symptoms. Although some treatments did help to improve my condition, the results were rather temporary. I felt pain so severe that I was not able to stand on my feet and I had to use wheelchair. Reading the newspaper, I came across Dr. Chan's new painless acupuncture treatments and I decided to give it a try. Three minutes after a treatment, I felt immediate relief from my lower back and there was a warm sensation from my lower back to my feet. I felt very comfortable. The treatment took for 30 minutes and lower back pain disappeared after Dr. Chan removed the needle from my body and the numbness and pain in my legs were greatly reduced. Following another 3 sessions of treatment, I was completely cured. After one and a half year, Dr. Chan called for a follow-up and my condition was completely cured. It never reoccurred after the treatment.
Bob L., 39岁,患腰痛,双下肢麻痛15年余,加重2个月。MRI示腰4-5椎间盘突出,腰椎管狭窄。患者曾到处中西医治疗无效。初诊时坐轮椅由亲友推来本诊所,痛苦呻吟,经陈大夫新法针灸约3分钟立即疼痛大减,感觉腰腿暖热,有热气从腰腹冲到足底,非常舒服,留针30分钟,拔针后腰痛已消失,双下肢麻痛亦明显减轻。继续针灸3次已痊愈。电话随访,病患诉针灸后至今已一年余未再复发
-----------------Bob L.