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Jeffrey Chan Acupuncture Clinic
Professor Jeffrey Chan NYS Acupuncturist
陈平青 中医针灸教授 执照针灸师/中医师
一代针王 焦顺发教授
• 85岁的焦顺发教授曾赴北京中南海为前国家主席李先念,元帅叶剑英,国务院副总理陈云做头针针灸治疗,疗效卓著!
• 陈云题字:神针焦顺发!专治世界上疑难病
• 中国头针针灸发明人,著有《头针焦顺发》(陈云题写书名)等数十部医学著作
• 世界中医联合会头针针灸专委会主席,神经外科专家。
-Vice President of Head Acupuncture Specialty Committee of World Federation of Chinese Medicine Societies
-President of Scalp Acupuncture Association New York
-President of Fu's Subcutaneous Needling Association New York, USA
- Master of Science in SAMRA University
-Graduated from Fujian Medical University, China
-Dean of New York Acupuncture & Chinese Herb Center
- New York State Licensed Acupuncturist / NCCAOM Certified(National Certified in Chinese Herbology)
中西医科大学中医针灸硕士学位 福建医科大学毕业
纽约州执照针灸师/中医师 全美中医药针灸特考文凭证书
1) 世界针王 中国头针(针灸) 发明人焦顺发教授/主任医师
2) 中国浮针(针灸)发明人北京中医药大学国医堂名医符仲华博士/主任医师
3) 中国方氏头针发明人方本正教授/主任医师
4) 中国陆氏针灸发明人陆飚教授/主任医师
5) 世界著名的儿童自闭症、脑瘫针灸大专家刘振寰教授/主任医师
6) 中国著名针灸学家尿失禁泌尿生殖病骶四针腹四针疗法发明人汪司右教授/主任医师
a) 中国针灸学会腹针专业委员会副会长北京国医堂名医张红林教授/主任医师
目前本诊所驻诊中医专家:李鲁炎 女主任医师教授 中医妇科不孕不育症大专家, 40多年前南京中医学院毕业,扬州市中医院正主任医师,正教授,上海泰坤堂特聘中医妇科专家
Benefited from extensive reading of the TCM classic, tutoring from lot of renowned TCM and acupuncture masters in China, and applying the western medicine technology learned in China, Prof. Jeffrey Chan L.Ac has successfully cured thousands of the patients in USA and China. Jeffrey Chan L.Ac has been working extensively with world-famous Chinese medicine and acupuncture doctors in Chan's clinic:
1) Dr. Shunfa Jiao (founder of Scalp acupuncture for the neurology disease in Beijing China),
2) Dr. Zhonghua Fu (founder of Fu’s Subcutaneous needling acupuncture in Beijing China)
3) Dr. BenZheng Fang (founder of Fang's Scalp acupuncture for many complicated diseases)
4) Dr. Biao Lu (founder of Lu's acupuncture)
5) Dr. ZhenHuan Liu (A world-famous special acupuncturist of pediatric autism and cerebral palsy)
6) Dr. Siyou Wang (founder of Wang's acupuncture for urinary incontinence treatment in ShangHai China)
a) Dr. HongLin Zhang (vice president of the Chinese Abdominal Acupuncture Association)
b) Dr. LuYan Li and Dr. Hong Wang (Infertility expert and chief physician in Gynecology of Traditional Chinese Medicine)
With reference to:
I. Dr. Nansun Zhu (renowned TCM gynecologist from Shanghai),
II. Dr. Renkang Zhu (famous dermatologist from Beijing Guanganmen Hospital).
Prof. Jeffrey Chan L.Ac learned and evolved their acupuncture and Chinese Herbology Medicine technique to treat his patients.
Jeffrey Chan‘s team is specialized in infertility treatment, acne/pimples, pain management, neurology disease rehab, , rheumatology disease and allergy treatment. Prof. Jeffrey Chan L.Ac enjoys a good reputation after being in practice for more than 30 years and helping many patients free of pain and other diseases.
闻名中外社区的名医陈平青中医针灸教授,是纽约州少有的学贯中西医学的优秀专业大夫。陈大夫博览 汇集古今医学各家学说,有幸得到多位中国针灸发明人的真传,成为多位顶级大师的传人,并且掌握精通北京薄智云老师发明的腹针疗法,国医大师上海中医妇科名家朱南孙老师的妇科秘方,北京中科院广安门医院名医朱仁康老师的皮肤病秘方。陈大夫拥有30多年极丰富的中西医针灸中医临床诊疗经验,对技术精益求精,集众家之长,研发了一套特效的无痛针灸疗法及特效中药,治愈病患无数,对于许多疑难病症,疗效显著。
Professor Jeffrey Chan L.Ac and His Team's Treatments :
1. Gynecological / Male Reproductive System: Infertility, Irregular Menses, PCOS, Endometriosis, Dysmenorrhea, Menopause, Osteoporosis, Breast related, Pelvic Inflammatory disease, Uterine Fibroids, Urinary Urgency, Urethritis, Prostate, Impotence and Premature Ejaculation, SexualDysfunction, Nocturnal Emission, slippery sperm, Low Semen Count, Too little sperm, Weak essence, STD etc.
2. Most kinds of intractable pain in Head, Shoulders, Back, Leg
and migraine, frozen shoulder, tennis elbow, golfer’s elbow. Tendon ligament injury, Hand and foot paralysis weakness. Rheumatoid Joint Pain, Cervical Lumbar Spondylosis, Herniated disc, Sciatica, Gout, Rheumatoid arthritis, Ankylosing spondylitis, etc.
3. Encephalopathy: Brain damage, Stroke Hemiplegia, Aphasia,
Facial Paralysis, Headache, Dizziness, Dementia, Insomnia, Neurasthenia, Depression and Anxiety, Autism, ADHD, Cerebral palsy, Parkinson’s disease Memory loss, Forgetfulness, Facial Spasm, Dystonia, Trigeminal Neuralgia, Parkinson's Disease, Macula, Dry Eye,
Otolaryngology, Tinnitus and Deafness, etc.
4. Skin Diseases: Hay Fever, Acne, Herpes Zoster, Eczema Dermatitis, Warts, Skin Allergies, Urticaria, hair loss and etc.
5. Hemorrhoid related : Internal/External Hemorrhoids, Mixed Hemorrhoids, Anal Fissure, etc.
6. Chronic Cough: Asthma, Diabetes, Atrophic Gastritis, Constipation, Diarrhea and other stubborn Gastrointestinal diseases, Edema in limbs, Sjogren syndrome, obesity, cold limbs and other difficult diseases, etc.
Some Medical Insurances Accepted.
1. 妇科男科:女性不孕症、男性不育症、月经失调、多囊卵巢综合症、痛经、子宫内膜异位症、闭经、更年期症、乳腺病、盆腔炎痛、子宫肌瘤、尿频尿急、尿道炎、前列腺病、阳痿早泄、性功能减退、遗精、滑精、精液存活率低、精子过少、弱精、性病、痔疮病:内痔、外痔、混合痔、肛裂等。
2. 多种顽固痛症及跌打伤科:头颈肩腰背腿痛、偏头痛、肌腱韧带损伤、肩周炎、网球肘痛、高尔夫肘、手脚麻痹无力、风湿病关节痛、膝关节痛骨关节炎、颈椎腰椎病、骨质增生、腰椎间盘突出、坐骨神经痛、痛风、类风湿关节炎、强直性脊柱炎等。
3. 脑源性疾病:脑损伤、中风后遗症偏瘫失语、面瘫、头痛头晕、耳水不平衡、失眠、 神经衰弱、自闭症、多动症、小儿脑瘫、忧郁焦虑、记忆力减退、痴呆健忘、面肌痉挛、斜颈、三叉神经痛、神经痛麻木、帕金森病、眼黄斑病变、干眼症、眼耳鼻咽喉病、耳鸣耳聋等。
4. 皮肤病:青春痘(痤疮、粉刺)、花粉过敏症、带状疱疹、湿疹皮炎、癣、皮肤过敏、瘙痒、荨麻疹、脱发等。
5. 顽固咳嗽气喘、便秘、腹泻等胃肠病、哮喘、萎缩性胃炎、口腔溃疡、胃酸反流、肥胖症、肢体浮肿、干燥综合征、四肢冰冷等疑难病症。